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Writer's pictureMara Meismer

My "I am going to be successful" attitude

Updated: Jun 24, 2022

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Starting a business is hard. Most businesses fail and I understand why. It is so easy to fall into the absolute trap of a mindset failure. Running a business is not for everyone.

When I first started building myself a brand, I was on the STRUGGLE bus. For so many reasons, but mostly that I didn't fully believe in myself. I put myself out there anyway, knowing that if I didn’t try there is no way that could make it work.

Eventually I felt a shift. It was after months of self discovery and working with intention. I had onboarded my first few clients, and I realized that I was doing what I had been working toward. I know that I am fully capable of this. I feel like I spoke it into existence.

I was looking back at my journal and one entry was me talking about how I didn’t know if I could really build a business and I felt like the work I was putting in wasn’t taking me anywhere. The NEXT page was me talking about how I was onboarding my second client and I was loving my life.

Somewhere between those two journal entries, I wrote 2 little post-it notes and stuck them to my computer. One said “I am going to make this work” and the other said “it is all figureoutable”. I continued to work everyday at pulling everything together. I researched and listened and pieced things together bit by bit. I invested in a class, and did what I needed to do to start to feel confident.

I talked about this project like it was something I was capable of. I told myself that I will be doing this. I will be my version of successful.

Now, I’m not saying that I defeated imposter syndrome, but I definitely kicked its butt a little bit. At the beginning of my learning period, it was so difficult to see past the thoughts that told me I wasn’t capable or good enough for whatever reason. I knew that if I kept working at it anyway I could get somewhere. I trusted myself and I followed my gut, and I am so glad that I did.

Now, my definition of success is a lot different than most. That’s okay. That is awesome. I am going to be my version of successful and it is so exciting. I know I am capable of realizing my version of success, and I am leaning into it full force. Things will happen for me, and knowing this is what propels me toward it.



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